Showroom Open By Appointment

Showroom Now Open

We are open! However due to the current ongoing situation with coronavirus how we work will have changed. To keep all our customers and staff safe and stay within the government and HSE guidelines we have implemented the following changes. These changes are for the showroom, site surveys and installation.

The Showroom

  • The showroom will be by appointment only. These appointments can be made online with our booking system or by telephone. This will give you the opportunity to see the products and discuss them further with our staff.
    This will be strictly appointment only to keep everyone safe and adhere to social distance guidance.
  • We will have markings on the floor set at 2m to help remind us all of the distance we should maintain.
  • There are hand washing facilities as well as hand sanitisers for you to use.
  • Any sample items, payment machines etc that are handled will be cleaned after use.
  • The showroom will be cleaned after each visitor.

Site Surveys

  • Site surveys will start again from the 1st June 2020 by appointment, these can be booked online with our booking system or by telephone.
  • We would ask that strict social distancing can be achieved when these surveys take place and that no one in the household is showing symptoms of Covid-19.
  • If you are capable of doing measurements and sending them to us in the first instance then please do so. Information for this can be found here. It’s simple to do and will even talk you through the whole process by telephone to help you.


  • Again please help us to maintain social distancing and leave the fitters get on with what they do best.
  • All our trades people will practice good hygiene and wash their hands before entering your home. Good hygiene will be maintained throughout the day.
  • All surfaces worked on will be cleaned down at the end of each day with hot soapy water and/or alcohol wipes.
  • At times at the end of each day you will need to use parts of the kitchen, if you do please wash everything down afterwards.

If you have any further questions on procedures we have in place then please do not hesitate to contact us to discuss them more. If you need help with measuring and sending info to us again please call, we are here to help you.

We have been operating a design from home service from the start of lockdown which has been successful and we will continue to do this where ever possible. Even in these tough situations that dream kitchen can be achieved. If you would like to try this then please take a look at the online quotation pages. This will give you a head start on that dream kitchen or bedroom while at home.